Does it feel like new information is coming at you all the time and you’re constantly struggling to catch up? Someone is always an expert and it’s hard to know how they manage to do it when you feel like you’re constantly one or two releases behind. Explore some ideas from our tips to always be on top of your field.

We have turned our blog post into a short & sharp micro course, you get 10 lessons over 10 days with all the tips to help you fill your knowledge gaps and work through a set of activities.

Engage these ten tips and you’ll rapidly fill the knowledge gaps that previously made you feel like you were being left behind. An expert in any field knows that you always keep learning - your education doesn’t stop at your graduation ceremony, and it isn’t scheduled just once a year when it’s time to renew your certifications!

At One10, we provide education and capacity building programs for Social Entrepreneurs and Executives that want to make an impact. Find out about our programs here.

You can also start with these valuable resources and micro courses, simply click the image to register or download.