New One10 backed #FinTech venture GivrWay is currently undertaking two important surveys in to the impact #Covid has had on #charities #donations and #giving.

We want to hear from Givers who donate.

Givers Survey

We want to hear from Charities and NFP who receive donations.

Charities Survey

What's happening to cash?

Until recently, everyone carried #cash, coins and notes filling our wallets and jingling in our pockets. Not any more, cash is basically gone thanks to the ability to use cards pretty much everywhere you go, even for very small amounts.

The impacts of #Covid has further accelerated our shift away from cash, 92% of us are participating in the #Cashless economy.

But while we were enjoying tap-tap-tapping, it became obvious that not everyone was – the homeless that sat outside Southern Cross station were collecting fewer and fewer coins from people that walked past them at the end of the day.

The same issue was affecting buskers and street performers – “great show but sorry, I’ve got no cash”.

Same problem for charities trying to connect with the community and raise much needed funds.

#notforprofit #nfp #charity #ngo