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Activate Program


Transform your ideas into action.

Through our Activate Program, we unleash your potential to create meaningful change by providing you with the practical skills necessary to innovate with purpose. From hypotheses formation to idea validation, we will show you how to think with a lean startup entrepreneur mindset, and equip you with the tools you'll need to build strong foundations for your startup.


Current Programs

Applications Now Open




From hypotheses formation and market research, to ideation and prototyping – we'll teach you the ins and outs of building a product or service that could change the world for the better.



Product testing and prototype validation is a core component of the iterative process of any successful startup. We'll show you how to measure your market relevance and impact potential and tailor your ideas accordingly.



We'll coach you to see your ideas through a lean startup entrepreneur mindset. The lean startup methodology can be applied to any of your transformative ideas to make them a reality.